U.S. History
Supreme Court finds Standard Oil Company (May 15) and American Tobacco Company (May 29) to be in violation of Sherman Antitrust Act.
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $0.69 billion
- Unemployment: 6.7%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.02
FII History
Financial Information Incorporated (FII) was founded. FII’s runners hurried along Wall Street to the offices of our subscribers. They delivered hastily handwritten notes describing events and changes that impacted the value of stocks and bonds traded in the public markets. These notices evolved into our widely used Financial Daily Card Service, the industry standard for Corporate Actions information.
circa 1911
U.S. History
Woodrow Wilson becomes 28th U.S. President.
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $0.72 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 9.9
- Unemployment: 4.3%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.02
FII History
FII created and published the first edition of the Stock Guide, which came to be known as the Bible of the securities industry.
circa 1913U.S. History
The one millionth Ford automobile rolls off the assembly line.
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $0.75 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 10.1
- Unemployment: 8.5%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.02
FII History
The Called Bond service was created.
circa 1915U.S. History
U.S. declares war with Germany (Apr. 6).
Background: World War
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $1.95 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 12.8
- Unemployment: 4.6%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.02 ($0.03 as of 11/3/17)
FII History
The Obsolete Section of the Stock Guide became available as a separate publication geared toward the library market.
circa 1917
U.S. History
Stock market prices plummet (Nov.-Dec.). U.S. securities lose $26 billion, marking the first financial disaster of the Great Depression.
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $3.13 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 17.1
- Unemployment: 3.2%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.02
U.S. History
FDR is reelected in a landslide.
The Electoral Vote is 523-8.
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $8.23 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 13.9
- Unemployment: 16.9%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.03
FII History
FII began publishing yearly cumulative editions of our Reorg and Called Bond Services.
circa 1936U.S. History
John F. Kennedy defeats Richard Nixon in a closely-fought presidential race.
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $92.19 billion
- Federal debt: $290.5 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 29.6
- Unemployment: 5.5%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.04
FII History
The world has become a "Global Village." With the electronic age upon us and the need for more timely delivery of information to our subscribers, it became necessary for FII to change.
circa 1960U.S. History
U.S. Supreme Court rules that death penalty is unconstitutional (June 29).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $230.68 billion
- Federal debt: $435.9 billion
- Median Household Income: $9,697
- Consumer Price Index: 41.8
- Unemployment: 5.9%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.08
FII History
FII began to publish the Municipal and Corporate Bond Guides. With the continued addition of new data elements over the years, these publications continue to be the most comprehensive reference books for the securities industry.
circa 1972U.S. History
Ronald Reagan, 73, takes oath for second term as the 40th President (Jan. 20).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $946.39 billion
- Federal debt: $1817.5 billion
- Median Household Income: $23,618
- Consumer Price Index: 107.6
- Unemployment: 7.2%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.20 ($0.22 as of 2/17/1985)
FII History
FII Warrant Service was created.
circa 1985U.S. History
Pan-Am 747 explodes from terrorist bomb and crashes in Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 259 aboard and 11 on ground (Dec. 21).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $1064.14 billion
- Federal debt: $2601.3 billion
- Median Household Income (current dollars): $27,225
- Consumer Price Index: 118.3
- Unemployment: 5.5%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.22 ($0.25 as of 4/3/88)
FII History
FII re-engineered itself to better serve its clients by developing electronic data delivery methods for Corporate Actions and sophisticated data management systems.
circa 1988U.S. History
George Herbert Walker Bush inaugurated as the 41st U.S. President (Jan. 20). Ruptured tanker Exxon Valdez sends 11 million gallons of crude oil into Alaska's Prince William Sound (March 24). U.S. jury convicts Oliver North in Iran-Contra affair (May 4).
U.S. Economy
- U.S. GDP: $5,438.70 billion
- Federal spending: $1143.17 billion
- Federal debt: $2868.0 billion
- Median Household Income: $28,906
- Consumer Price Index: 124
FII History
Put Option Service was implemented.
circa 1989U.S. History
U.S. Appeals Court overturns Oliver North's Iran-Contra conviction (July 20).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $1252.52 billion
- Federal debt: $3206.6 billion
- Median Household Income: $29,943
- Consumer Price Index: 130.7
- Unemployment: 5.6%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.25
FII History
FII's Put Options Service, the most comprehensive Put Service on the market for Optional Puts, Mandatory Retain Actions, and Mandatory Repurchases on all types of equity and debt securities including CMO’s and MBS’s, introduced to the securities industry. All of FII's Corporate Actions Services (FAS) became available to clients through a Data Feed, containing FII’s Reorganization, Called Bonds, Put Options, and Warrant Watch Services.
circa 1990
U.S. History
Bill Clinton elected President, Al Gore Vice President; Democrats keep control of Congress.
U.S. Economy
- Federal debt: $4002.1 billion
- Median Household Income: $30,636
- Consumer Price Index: 140.3
- Unemployment: 7.5%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.29
FII History
FII's Historical Reference Services transmitted to clients via a Data Feed, including the Active Stock, Obsolete Stock, Corporate Bond, and Municipal Bond Guides.
circa 1992U.S. History
Los Angeles jury finds O. J. Simpson not guilty of murder charges.
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $1519.13 billion
- Federal debt: $4921.0 billion
- Median Household Income: $34,076
- Consumer Price Index: 152.4
- Unemployment: 5.6%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.32 (as of 1/1/95)
FII History
FII created the securities industry’s first PC software product for processing voluntary and mandatory corporate actions - FII's Financial Data Management System (FDMS), featuring automated matching of corporate actions to clients’ security master files, automated holdings change tracking, automated generation of notification letters, and transactions calendar.
circa 1995U.S. History
Clinton appoints Madeleine Albright as first female U.S. Secretary of State (Dec. 5).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $1572.41 billion
- Federal debt: $5207.3 billion
- Median Household Income: $35,492
- Consumer Price Index: 156.9
- Unemployment: 5.4%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.32
FII History
FII's Online Inquiry System (OIS) created, a PC corporate actions look-up service for FII's Corporate Actions Services (FAS) with Reorganization, Called Bonds, Put Options, and Warrants.
circa 1996U.S. History
Two convicted in World Trade Center bombing (Nov. 12).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $1635.33 billion
- Federal debt: $5498.9 billion
- Median Household Income: $37,005
- Consumer Price Index: 160.5
- Unemployment: 4.9%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.32
FII History
FII's Online Portfolio System (OIS-PORT) created, allowing customers to upload their CUSIP files for corporate actions data matches to FII's Corporate Actions Services (FAS) with Reorganization, Called Bonds, Put Options, and Warrants.
circa 1997U.S. History
Students Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, storm Columbine High School in Littleton , CO, killing twelve other students and a teacher, then themselves (April 20). John F. Kennedy Jr., wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and her sister Lauren G. Bessette are lost at sea when a plane he was piloting disappears near Martha's Vineyard, off Mass. coast (July 16).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $1716.95 billion
- Federal debt: $5978.5 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 166.6
- Unemployment: 4.2%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.33 (as of 1/10/99)
FII History
FII's Equity Reference Services (ERS) developed, a hybrid service of active U.S. and Canadian stocks and historical corporate actions.
circa 1999
U.S. History
Wary investors bring stock plunge; beginning of the end of the Internet stock boom (Feb. 25). Cuban boy Elián González, 6, at center of international dispute, reunited with his father after federal raid of Miami relatives' home (April 22).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $1,788.83 billion
- Federal debt: $5,674.2 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 172.2
- Unemployment: 4.0%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.34
FII History
FII's web-based system, FII Online (FIIOL), launched, leveraging the internet to achieve a fast and reliable corporate actions data delivery method.
circa 2000
U.S. History
Space shuttle Columbia explodes, killing all 7 astronauts (Feb. 1). California governor Gray Davis ousted in recall vote; actor Arnold Schwarzenegger elected in his place (Oct. 7).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $2,160 billion
- Federal debt: $6,783 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 183.9
- Unemployment: 6.0%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.37
FII History
FII's Library Reference Service (LRS) created, exclusively for Public, Corporate, and University Libraries for historical mandatory corporate actions on equities FII's Securities Reference Service (SRS) created for the securities industry, for historical mandatory corporate actions on equities.
circa 2003U.S. History
U.S. final report on Iraq’s weapons finds no WMDs (Sept. 16). George W. Bush is reelected president, defeats John Kerry (Nov. 2).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $2,293 billion
- Federal debt: $7,379 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 188.9
- Unemployment: 5.5%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.37
FII History
FII's End-of Life File Service (ELF), a customized web-based automated portfolio system identifying inactive securities with the final resolution, developed to eliminate defunct securities on clients’ security master file.
circa 2004U.S. History
George W. Bush is officially sworn in for his second term as president (Jan. 20). The Terry Schiavo case becomes the focus of an emotionally charged battle in Congress (March 20).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $2,472 billion
- Federal debt: $7,932 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 195.3
- Unemployment: 5.1%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.37
FII History
FII developed new generation 24/7 FII Internet On-Line System, for FII’s Corporate Actions Services and FII’s Historical Reference Services with the Active Stock, Obsolete Stock, Corporate Bond, and Municipal Bond Guides. FII enhanced FII Online with Corporate Actions Alert Service (FAAS), a corporate actions portfolio matching system, with customized email alert capability. FII moved to a new, larger Operations Center in South Plainfield, NJ.
circa 2005
U.S. History
President Bush signs a law renewing the Patriot Act, including a signing statement stating that he does not consider himself bound by its requirement to tell Congress how the law is being used (Mar. 9). House releases a report on the response to Hurricane Katrina, assigning blame on all levels of government (Feb. 15).
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: NA
- Federal debt: $8,506 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 201.6
- Unemployment: 4.6%
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.39
FII History
Financial International Data Service (FIDS), an international corporate actions service, added to complement FII’s domestic corporate actions services.
circa 2006U.S. History
Barack Obama accepts the Democratic presidential nomination, becoming the first African American to be selected by a major party as its nominee for president.
U.S. Economy
- Federal spending: $2,655 billion
- Federal debt: $10,024 billion
- Consumer Price Index: 215.3
- Unemployment: 5.8%
- Cost of a first-class $0.42
FII History
FII initiated multi-year project to upgrade and enhance our internal technology, systems, and processes for straight-through processing. FII Corporate Actions Services (FAS) data available through an intra-day Data Feed.
circa 2008FII History
S&P's Daily Dividend Record (DDR) and Unit Investment Trust (UIT) added to FII’s growing list of corporate actions and historical reference products.
circa 2011FII History
FII continues to develop and enhance its day to day operations to meet the demand of the global marketplace.